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We're experiencing intermittent issues with customers making payments and updating account balances after payment. We're sorry for any inconvenience & ask that you return later to complete your transaction.

We're experiencing intermittent issues with customers making payments and updating account balances after payment. We're sorry for any inconvenience & ask that you return later to complete your transaction.

We're experiencing intermittent issues with customers making payments and updating account balances after payment. We're sorry for any inconvenience & ask that you return later to complete your transaction.

We're experiencing intermittent issues with customers making payments and updating account balances after payment. We're sorry for any inconvenience & ask that you return later to complete your transaction.

We're experiencing intermittent issues with customers making payments and updating account balances after payment. We're sorry for any inconvenience & ask that you return later to complete your transaction.

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As of: 10:29 AM, 7/17/24

CCR Rule Compliance Data and Information

Safety is our top priority. Nothing is more important than protecting our neighbors, employees, customers and the planet we all cherish.

That’s why Consumers Energy is working each day to safely manage the coal combustion residuals (CCR), or coal ash, created at our current and former coal-fired generation plants.

In addition to state regulations, the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulates CCR. In compliance with this law, you can find a wide variety of data related to the operation and maintenance of CCR disposal facilities at our current and former coal-fired power plants on this website.

Federal regulations are designed to protect human health and the environment by establishing a set of requirements for the safe disposal of coal ash. The rule lays out a prescriptive, phased process for monitoring groundwater, identifying and reporting any concerns, and then addressing any issues through corrective action. Michigan recently adopted legislation to strengthen environmental protections by giving the state oversight responsibility to implement federal CCR rules.

We’ve monitored groundwater at our generating sites since the early 1980s, and plan to maintain compliance with both the Michigan and new federal regulations by implementing regulatory mechanisms and measures, such as pond and landfill closures, to improve groundwater quality.

In fact, we are ahead of schedule in implementing corrective measures:

  • We’ve initiated plans to close our nine unlined coal ash ponds, and the process is slated for completion by 2023.
  • We’ve already closed three ponds and installed concrete tanks and double-lined ponds for safe ash management and beneficial reuse.

We are aligned with the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and committed to safe operations and caring for Michigan’s air, land and water today and in the years to come.

BC Cobb, JH Campbell - Richard Houtteman - Richard.Houtteman@cmsenergy.com
DE Karn, JC Weadock, JR Whiting - Madison Clements - Madison.Clements@cmsenergy.com

Information By Location

Consumers Energy has Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) units in the following locations:

JH Campbell
DE Karn
JC Weadock
BC Cobb
JR Whiting
ELG Rule Compliance: JHC
ELG Rule Compliance: DE Karn


JH Campbell
Pond A

Date Rule Section Number Document Title
January 2024  257.90 (e) 2023 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
July 2023  257.97(a)  Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures 
January 2023
257.90 (e)
2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
July 2022
Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures
January 2022
257.90(e); 257.97(a)
2021 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report; 2021 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report
December 2021 257.8 2021 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2021
257.73 Periodic Structural Stability and Safety Factor Assessment Report
July 2021
257.97(a) 2021 Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures
January 2021
257.90 (e) ; 257.97(a)  2020 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report; 2020 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report 
December 2020
2020 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
October 2020
257.83  2020 Annual Inspection 
July 2020
257.97(a)  Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures 
January 2020
257.90 (e) ; 257.97(a)  2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report; 2019 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report 
December 2019 257.8 2019 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2019 257.8 Fugitive Dust Control Plan
October 2019
257.102(f)(3) Closure Construction Certification
October 2019 257.83 2019 Annual Inspection
September 2019 257.96 Assessment of Corrective Measures 
May 2019 257.73(a)(3) EAP Annual Face to Face Meeting Record 
April 2019 257.73 Hazard Potential Classification Assessment 
January 2019 257.102 Closure Plan
March 2019 257.104 Post-Closure Plan
January 2019 257.9 2018 Annual Groundwater Report
January 2019 257.95(g) Notification of Appendix IV Constituent Exceeding Groundwater Protection Standard
October 2018 257.83 2018 Annual Inspection
October 2018 257.60-64 Location Restrictions
September 2018 257.102 Notification of Intent to Initiate Closure
April 2018 257.94(e)(3) Notice of Initiation of Assessment Monitoring
January 2018 257.90 Annual Groundwater Report
October 2017 257.93 Selection of Statistical Procedures Certification
October 2017 257.91 Groundwater Monitoring System Certification
October 2017 257.83 Annual Inspection
May 2019 257.73 Emergency Action Plan
December 2018 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2017 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2016 257.71 Liner System Certification Report
October 2016 257.73(c) History of Construction
October 2016 257.82 Inflow Design Flood Control System Plan
October 2016 257.102 Closure Plan
October 2016 257.104 Post-Closure Plan

Bottom Ash Ponds Units 1-2

Date Rule Section Number Document Title
January 2024 257.90 (e) 2023 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
September 2023 257.102(c) Closure by Removal Certification
September 2023 257.98(e) Remedy Completion Report
July 2023  257.97(a)  Remedy Selection  
January 2023
257.90 (e)
2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
July 2022   257.97(a)   Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures  
January 2022
257.90(e); 257.97(a)
2021 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report; 2021 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report
December 2021
2021 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2021
257.95(g)  Notification of Appendix IV Constituent Exceeding Groundwater Protection Standard and Alternate Source Demonstration 
July 2021
257.97(a)  2021 Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures 
January 2021
257.90 (e) ; 257.97(a)  2020 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report; 2020 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report 
December 2020 257.80   2020 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report  
July 2020
257.97(a)  Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures
January 2020
257.90 (e) ; 257.97(a)  2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report; 2019 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report 
December 2019 257.8 2019 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2019 257.8 Fugitive Dust Control Plan
October 2019 257.83 2019 Annual Inspection - Not Required
September 2019 257.96 Assessment of Corrective Measures
May 2019 257.73(a)(3) EAP Annual Face to Face Meeting Record 
April 2019 257.73 Hazard Potential Classification Assessment
January 2019 257.9 2018 Annual Groundwater Report
January 2019 257.95(g) Notification of Appendix IV Constituent Exceeding Groundwater Protection Standard
October 2018 257.60-64 Location Restrictions
October 2018 257.83 2018 Annual Inspection
September 2018 257.102 Notification of Intent to Initiate Closure
April 2018 257.94(e)(3) Notice of Initiation of Assessment Monitoring
January 2018 257.90 Annual Groundwater Report
October 2017 257.93 Selection of Statistical Procedures Certification
October 2017 257.91 Groundwater Monitoring System Certification
October 2017 257.83 Annual Inspection
May 2019 257.73 Emergency Action Plan
December 2018 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2017 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2016 257.71 Liner System Certification Report
October 2016 257.73(c) History of Construction
October 2016 257.73(d,e) Structural Stability and Safety Factor Assessment
October 2016 257.82 Inflow Design Flood Control System Plan
January 2018 257.102 Closure Plan

Bottom Ash Ponds Unit 3

Date Rule Section Number Document Title
January 2024 257.90 (e) 2023 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
May 2023  257.102(c)  Closure by Removal Certification 
January 2023
257.90 (e)
2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
January 2022
2021 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
December 2021
2021 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
January 2021
257.90 (e) 
2020 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
December 2020
2020 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
January 2020
257.90 (e)
2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
December 2019 257.8 2019 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2019 257.8 Fugitive Dust Control Plan
October 2019 257.83 2019 Annual Inspection - Not Required
January 2019 257.9 2018 Annual Groundwater Report
October 2018 257.83 2018 Annual Inspection
October 2018 257.60-64 Location Restrictions
April 2018 257.94(e)(3) Notice of Initiation of Assessment Monitoring
January 2018 257.90 Annual Groundwater Report
October 2017 257.93 Selection of Statistical Procedures Certification
October 2017 257.91 Groundwater Monitoring System Certification
October 2017 257.83 Annual Inspection
April 2017 257.102 Notification of Intent to Initiate Closure
December 2018 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2016 257.71 Liner System Certification Report
October 2016 257.73(a)(2) Hazard Potential Classification Assessment
October 2016 257.73(c) History of Construction
October 2016 257.73(d,e) Structural Stability and Safety Factor Assessment
October 2016 257.82 Inflow Design Flood Control System Plan
October 2016 257.102 Closure Plan
December 2018 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2017 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report

Dry Ash Landfill

Date Rule Section Number Document Title
January 2024 257.90 (e) 2023 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
December 2023 257.80 2023 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2023 257.84 2023 Dry Ash Landfill Annual Inspection
January 2023
257.90 (e)
2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
December 2022
257.80 Fugitive Dust Control Plan 
December 2022  257.80  2022 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
October 2022
2022 Dry Ash Landfill Annual Inspection
January 2022
2021 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
October 2021   257.84 
2021 Dry Ash Landfill Annual Inspection  
January 2021
257.90 (e) 
2020 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
December 2020
2020 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
October 2020
257.84  2020 Annual Inspection 
January 2020
257.90 (e)
2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
December 2019 257.8 2019 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2019 257.8 Fugitive Dust Control Plan
October 2019 257.84 2019 Annual Inspection
January 2019 257.9 2018 Annual Groundwater Report
October 2018 257.84 2018 Annual Inspection
October 2018 257.60-64 Location Restrictions
April 2018 257.94(e)(3) Notice of Initiation of Assessment Monitoring
January 2018 257.90 Annual Groundwater Report
October 2017 257.93 Selection of Statistical Procedures Certification
October 2017 257.91 Groundwater Monitoring System Certification
October 2017 257.84 Annual Inspection
October 2016 257.81 Run-on and Run-off Control System Plan
October 2016 257.102(b) Closure Plan
June 2018 257.104(d) Post-Closure Plan
December 2018 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2017 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2016 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report

Cell 5

Date Rule Section Number Document Title
January 2024 257.90 (e) 2023 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
December 2023 257.80 2023 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
October 2023 257.84 2023 Dry Ash Landfill Annual Inspection
January 2023
257.90 (e)
2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
December 2022
257.80  Fugitive Dust Control Plan 
December 2022  257.80  2022 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
October 2022
2022 Dry Ash Landfill Annual Inspection
January 2022
2021 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
December 2021
2021 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2021
257.84  2021 Dry Ash Landfill Annual Inspection 
January 2021
257.90 (e) 
2020 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
December 2020
2020 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
January 2020
257.90 (e)
2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
December 2019 257.8 2019 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2019 257.8 Fugitive Dust Control Plan
October 2019 257.84 2019 Annual Inspection
August 2019 257.70 Construction Certification
December 2018 257.102 Closure Plan
December 2018 257.104 Post-Closure Plan
December 2018 257.7 Documentation of Design Criteria for Landfill Expansion
December 2018 257.60-64 Location Restrictions
December 2018 257.81 Run-on and Run-off Control System Plan

Cell 6

Date Rule Section Number Document Title
January 2024 257.90 (e) 2023 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
December 2023 257.80 2023 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2023 257.84 2023 Dry Ash Landfill Annual Inspection
January 2023
257.90 (e)
2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
December 2022
257.80  Fugitive Dust Control Plan 
December 2022
257.80  2022 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
October 2022
Construction Certification
October 2022 
Fugitive Dust Control Plan
October 2022 
Closure Plan
October 2022 
Post-Closure Plan
October 2022
Documentation of Design Criteria for Landfill Expansion
October 2022 
Location Restrictions
October 2022
Run-on and Run-off Control System Plan

DE Karn
Bottom Ash Pond

Date Rule Section Number Document Title
January 2024 257.90 (e)  2023 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
July 2023  257.97(a)  Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures 
January 2023
257.90 (e)
2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
July 2022
Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures
January 2022
257.90(e), 257.97(a)
2021 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report; 2021 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report 
November 2021
Fugitive Dust Control Plan
December 2021
2021 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
July 2021
257.97(a)  2021 Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures 
January 2021
257.90 (e) ; 257.97(a)  2020 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report; 2020 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report 
December 2020
2020 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
December 2020
Fugitive Dust Control Plan 
October 2020
257.83  2020 Annual Inspection 
July 2020
257.97(a)  Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures 
January 2020
257.90 (e)  2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
January 2020
257.97 (a)  2019 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report 
December 2019 257.8 2019 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2019 257.83 2019 Annual Inspection
September 2019 257.96 Assessment of Corrective Measures
January 2019 257.9 2018 Annual Groundwater Report
January 2019 257.95(g) Notification of Appendix IV Constituent Exceeding Groundwater Protection Standard
October 2018 257.102 Notification of Intent to Initiate Closure
October 2018 257.83 2018 Annual Inspection
October 2018 257.60-64 Location Restrictions
April 2018 257.94(e)(3) Notice of Initiation of Assessment Monitoring
January 2018 257.90 Annual Groundwater Report
October 2017 257.93 Selection of Statistical Procedures Certification
October 2017 257.91 Groundwater Monitoring System Certification
October 2017 257.83 Annual Inspection
October 2016 257.71 Liner System Certification Report
October 2016 257.73(a)(2) Hazard Potential Classification Assessment
October 2016 257.73(c) History of Construction
October 2016 257.73(d,e) Structural Stability and Safety Factor Assessment
October 2016 257.82 Inflow Design Flood Control System Plan
January 2018 257.102 Closure Plan
December 2018 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2017 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report

Lined Impoundment

Date Rule Section Number Document Title
January 2024 257.90 (e) 2023 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
December 2022 257.80 2022 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2023 257.84 2023 Karn Lined Impoundment Annual Inspection
July 2023 257.102(g) Notice of Intent to Initiate Closure
January 2023
257.90 (e)
2022 Annual Groundwater Monitor and Correction Action Report
December 2022
2022 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
October 2022
2022 Karn Lined Impoundment Annual Inspection
January 2022
2021 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
November 2021
Fugitive Dust Control Plan
December 2021
2021 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2021
257.83  Karn Lined Impoundment Annual Inspection 
January 2021
257.90 (e) 
2020 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
December 2020
2020 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
December 2020
Fugitive Dust Control Plan 
October 2020
257.83  2020 Annual Inspection 
January 2020
257.90 (e)  2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
December 2019 257.8 2019 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
October 2019 257.83 2019 Annual Inspection
January 2019 257.9 2018 Annual Groundwater Report
December 2017 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2018 257.83 2018 Annual Inspection
June 2018 257.60-257.64 Location Restrictions
April 2018 257.72 Liner System Certification Report
June 2018 257.74 Hazard Potential Classification Assessment
June 2018 257.82 Inflow Design Flood Control System Plan
June 2018 257.91 Groundwater Monitoring System Certification
June 2018 257.93 Selection of Statistical Procedures Certification
June 2018 257.102 Closure Plan

JC Weadock
Bottom Ash Pond

Date Rule Section Number Document Title
January 2024 257.90 (e) 2023 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
December 2023 257,80  2023 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
November 2023 257.102 (c)   Closure by Removal Certification 
July 2023 257.97(a) Remedy Selection
January 2023
257.90 (e)
2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
July 2022
Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures
January 2022
257.90(e), 257.97(a)
2021 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report; 2021 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report 
November 2021
Fugitive Dust Control Plan
December 2021
2021 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
July 2021
257.97(a)  2021 Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures 
January 2021
257.90 (e) ; 257.97(a)  2020 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report; 2020 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report 
October 2020
257.83  2020 Annual Inspection 
July 2020
257.97(a)  Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures 
January 2020
257.90 (e)  2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
January 2020
257.97 (a)  2019 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report 
December 2019  257.8
2019 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2019 257.83 2019 Annual Inspection
September 2019 257.96 Assessment of Corrective Measures
January 2019 257.9 2018 Annual Groundwater Report
January 2019 257.95(g) Notification of Appendix IV Constituent Exceeding Groundwater Protection Standard
October 2018 257.60-64 Location Restrictions
October 2018 257.102 Notification of Intent to Initiate Closure
October 2018 257.83 2018 Annual Inspection
April 2018 257.94(e)(3) Notice of Initiation of Assessment Monitoring
January 2018 257.90 Annual Groundwater Report
October 2017 257.93 Selection of Statistical Procedures Certification
October 2017 257.91 Groundwater Monitoring System Certification
October 2017 257.83 Annual Inspection
October 2016 257.71 Liner System Certification Report
October 2016 257.73(a)(2) Hazard Potential Classification Assessment
October 2016 257.73(c) History of Construction
October 2016 257.73(d,e) Structural Stability and Safety Factor Assessment
October 2016 257.82 Inflow Design Flood Control System Plan
January 2018 257.102 Closure Plan
December 2018 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2017 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report

Dry Ash Landfill

Date Rule Section Number Document Title
January 2024  257.90 (e)  2023 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
December 2023 257.80 2023 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2023 257.84 2023 Weadock Landfill Annual Inspection
July 2023 257.97(a) Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures
January 2023
257.90 (e)
2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
December 2022
2022 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
October 2022
2022 Weadock Landfill Annual Inspection
July 2022
Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures
January 2022
257.90(e), 257.97(a)
2021 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report; 2021 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report
November 2021
Fugitive Dust Control Plan
December 2021
2021 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
October 2021
257.84  Weadock Landfill Annual Inspection 
October 2021
257.81  Weadock Run-on and Run-off Control Plan 
July 2021
257.97(a)  2021 Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures 
January 2021
257.90 (e) ; 257.97(a)  2020 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report; 2020 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report 
December 2020  257.8 
2020 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
October 2020
257.84  2020 Annual Inspection 
July 2020
257.97(a)  Semiannual Report on the Assessment of Corrective Measures 
January 2020
257.90 (e)  2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
January 2020
257.97 (a)  2019 Semiannual Assessment of Corrective Measures Progress Report 
December 2019
257.8 2019 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
October 2019 257.83 2019 Annual Inspection
September 2019 257.96 Assessment of Corrective Measures
January 2019 257.9 2018 Annual Groundwater Report
January 2019 257.95(g) Notification of Appendix IV Constituent Exceeding Groundwater Protection Standard
October 2018 257.84 2018 Annual Inspection
October 2018 257.60-64 Location Restrictions
April 2018 257.94(e)(3) Notice of Initiation of Assessment Monitoring
January 2018 257.90 Annual Groundwater Report
October 2017 257.93 Selection of Statistical Procedures Certification
October 2017 257.91 Groundwater Monitoring System Certification
October 2017 257.84 Annual Inspection
October 2016 257.102(b) Closure Plan
October 2016 257.104(d) Post-Closure Plan
December 2018 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2017 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report

BC Cobb
Ponds 0-8 (Archive)

Charah Solutions, through its subsidiary Muskegon Environmental Redevelopment Group, LLC (MERG) has taken ownership of the ash ponds to execute the closure by removal of CCR at Consumers Energy’s former B.C. Cobb Generating Facility site. As owner, MERG, LLC will maintain the current RCRA documents on their website at: https://merg-ccrrule.com while Consumers Energy will retain these archive documents as required by RCRA regulation.

Date Rule Section Number Document Title
January 2020
257.90 (e)  2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
January 2020
257.97 (a)  2019 Semiannual ACM Progress Report 
December 2019
2019 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
October 2019 257.84 2019 Annual Inspection
September 2019 257.96 Assessment of Corrective Measures
May 2019 257.73(a)(3) EAP Annual Face to Face Meeting Record
December 2018 257.80 Fugitive Dust Control Plan
January 2019 257.9 2018 Annual Groundwater Report
January 2019 257.95(g) Notification of Appendix IV Constituent Exceeding Groundwater Protection Standard
October 2018 257.60-64 Location Restrictions
October 2018 257.83 2018 Annual Inspection
April 2018 257.94(e)(3) Notice of Initiation of Assessment Monitoring
March 2018 257.102 Notification of Intent to Initiate Closure
January 2018 257.90 Annual Groundwater Report
October 2017 257.93 Selection of Statistical Procedures Certification
October 2017 257.91 Groundwater Monitoring System Certification
October 2017 257.83 Annual Inspection
June 2019 257.73 Emergency Action Plan
October 2016 257.71 Liner System Certification Report
October 2016 257.73(a)(2) Hazard Potential Classification Assessment
October 2016 257.73(c) History of Construction
October 2016 257.73(d,e) Structural Stability and Safety Factor Assessment
October 2016 257.82 Inflow Design Flood Control System Plan
January 2018 257.102 Closure Plan
December 2018 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2017 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report

Bottom Ash Pond (Archive)

Date Rule Section Number Document Title
January 2020
257.90 (e)  2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
January 2020
257.97 (a)  2019 Semiannual ACM Progress Report 
December 2019
2019 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report  
October 2019 257.84 2019 Annual Inspection
September 2019 257.96 Assessment of Corrective Measures
May 2019 257.73(a)(3) EAP Annual Face to Face Meeting Record
December 2018 257.80 Fugitive Dust Control Plan
January 2019 257.9 2018 Annual Groundwater Report
January 2019 257.95(g) Notification of Appendix IV Constituent Exceeding Groundwater Protection Standard
April 2018 257.94(e)(3) Notice of Initiation of Assessment Monitoring
January 2018 257.90 Annual Groundwater Report
October 2018 257.60-64 Location Restrictions
October 2018 257.83 2018 Annual Inspection
March 2018 257.102 Notification of Intent to Initiate Closure
October 2017 257.93 Selection of Statistical Procedures Certification
October 2017 257.91 Groundwater Monitoring System Certification
October 2017 257.83 Annual Inspection
June 2019 257.73 Emergency Action Plan
January 2017 257.80 Fugitive Dust Control Plan
October 2016 257.71 Liner System Certification Report
October 2016 257.73(a)(2) Hazard Potential Classification Assessment
October 2016 257.82 Inflow Design Flood Control System Plan
January 2018 257.102 Closure Plan
December 2018 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2017 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report

JR Whiting
Ponds 1 and 2

Date Rule Section Number Document Title
January 2024  257.90 (e) 2023 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
January 2023
257.90 (e) & 100(e)  2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
March 2022
Deed Notification
January 2022
257.90(e) & 100(e)
2021 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
October 2021
257.73  Periodic Structural Stability and Safety Factor Assessment Report 
August 2020
257.102(h)  Pond 1&2 Final Construction Documentation Report 1 of 6 
August 2020
257.102(h)  Pond 1&2 Final Construction Documentation Report 2 of 6 
August 2020
257.102(h)  Pond 1&2 Final Construction Documentation Report 3 of 6 
August 2020
257.102(h)  Pond 1&2 Final Construction Documentation Report 4 of 6 
August 2020
257.102(h)  Pond 1&2 Final Construction Documentation Report 5 of 6 
August 2020
257.102(h)  Pond 1&2 Final Construction Documentation Report 6 of 6 
January 2021
257.90 (e)  2020 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
October 2020
257.83  2020 Annual Inspection 
May 2020
257.93  Selection of Statistical Procedures Certification 
May 2020
257.91  Groundwater Monitoring System Certification 
March 2020
257.102(h)  Notification of Closure of Pond 1 and 2 
March 2020  257.102(h) 
Notification of Closure of Pond 1 and 2 Attachment 1 of 6
March 2020  257.102(h) 
Notification of Closure of Pond 1 and 2 Attachment 2 of 6  
March 2020  257.102(h) 
Notification of Closure of Pond 1 and 2 Attachment 3 of 6  
March 2020  257.102(h) 
Notification of Closure of Pond 1 and 2 Attachment 4 of 6  
March 2020  257.102(h) 
Notification of Closure of Pond 1 and 2 Attachment 5 of 6  
March 2020  257.102(h) 
Notification of Closure of Pond 1 and 2 Attachment 6 of 6  
January 2020
257.90 (e)  2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
December 2019
2019 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report 
October 2019 257.84 2019 Annual Inspection
May 2019 257.73(a)(3) Whiting Pond 1&2 EAP Annual Face to Face Meeting Record
December 2018 257.80 Fugitive Dust Control Plan
January 2019 257.9 2018 Annual Groundwater Report
October 2018 257.60-64 Location Restrictions
October 2018 257.83 2018 Annual Inspection
January 2018 257.90 Annual Groundwater Report
November 2017 257.102 Notification of Intent to Initiate Closure
October 2017 257.83 Annual Inspection
June 2019 257.73 Emergency Action Plan
January 2016 257.83 Annual Inspection
October 2016 257.71 Liner System Certification Report
October 2016 257.73(a)(2) Hazard Potential Classification Assessment
October 2016 257.73(c) History of Construction
October 2016 257.82 Inflow Design Flood Control System Plan
December 2017 257.102 Closure Plan
June 2018 257.104 Post-Closure Plan
December 2018 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2017 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report

Pond 6

Date Rule Section Number Document Title
January 2024  257.90 (e)  2023 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
January 2023
257.90 (e) & 100(e)
2022 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report
March 2022  257.102(i)   Deed Notification  
January 2022
257.90(e) & 100(e)
2021 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
January 2021
257.90 (e)  2020 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
May 2020
257.93  Groundwater Statistical Evaluation Plan 
May 2020
257.91  Groundwater Monitoring System Certification 
January 2020
257.90 (e)  2019 Annual Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action Report 
December 2018 257.80 Fugitive Dust Control Plan
March 2018 257.104 Post-Closure Plan
December 2017 257.100, 257.80 Annual Fugitive Dust Control Report
December 2017 257.100 Notice of Closure
November 2017 257.102 Closure Plan
July 2017 40 CFR 257.100, 257.83 Initial Annual Inspection Report 
January 2017 257.100 Annual Report
December 2015 257.10 Notification of Intent to Initiate Closure


ELG Rule Compliance Data and Information for JH Campbell


Rule Section Number

Document Title

October 2021

40 CFR


Notice of Planned Participation - Permanent Cessation of Coal Combustion by

December 31, 2028

December 2022

40 CFR


2022 Notice of Planned Participation - Annual Progress Report

December 2023

40 CFR


2023 Notice of Planned Participation - Annual Progress Report


ELG Rule Compliance Data and Information for DE Karn


Rule Section Number

Document Title

October 2021

40 CFR


Notice of Planned Participation - Permanent Cessation of Coal Combustion by

December 31, 2028

October 2022

40 CFR


2022 Notice of Planned Participation - Annual Progress Report

October 2023

40 CFR


2023 Notice of Planned Participation - Final Annual Progress Report