Social Media Guidelines

World class performance delivering hometown service. One of the ways we live into that purpose statement is using social media channels to connect with our customers and potential customers. We enjoy sharing our vision for a Michigan’s clean energy future, stories about the people who work hard to provide you with energy, and information on how you can use our products more efficiently.

Social media is more than a place for us to broadcast information, it is a place where we want to engage in conversations with you about our business. Whether it is via private message or in comment sections, we post things because we want to hear from you.

To keep those conversations respectful and productive for everyone we serve, here is our stance on moderating the content and comments we receive on social.

  • Social media is inherently public, so please do not share personal information

    On public facing messages, please avoid sharing account information, addresses, phone numbers, payment information, or anything else that could be considered private information. To help protect your privacy or the privacy of the person you are trying to help, we hide or delete public facing comments when we can that share personal information. In private messages, we occasionally ask for information to help you with a specific concern. In those cases, we ask for only enough to positively identify your account and nothing more.

  • Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion extends to our social media channels

    To honor that commitment, we reserve the right to hide or delete content that is profane, promotes violence, is reasonably thought of as hate speech, is meant to sexually harass, or is culturally, racially, or socially insensitive.

  • Open dialogue is encouraged, but leave the spam for sandwiches

    Copying and pasting responses on several posts, being self-promotional or trying to leverage our social media audience for political gain are examples of activities that run counter to the way we want to engage with our social media community. In order to have conversations with our community, we will hide or remove posts that fall into this category if needed.

    In the spirit of maintaining an open dialogue, we also ask that you stay on the topic of the post you are commenting on. Misleading, inappropriate, off-topic, threatening, or are otherwise disruptive comments do not add to the conversations we are fostering and can be removed.

  • A few other things to keep in mind

    In general, we reserve the right to block people from following our social media updates for violating the spirit of these guidelines. Safety is at the core of our business, and that includes our social media communities. We reserve the right to investigate comments we deem threatening and will work with the appropriate authorities as necessary or as required by law.

    We reserve the right to change these guidelines as needed without prior notification. If any part of these guidelines becomes unenforceable, the remaining sections that are enforceable will remain in effect.