You Could Earn Credits for Renewable Energy You Generate
The Simple Renewable Program (SRP) allows residential and commercial customers to get paid for excess energy sent back to the grid. Through this program, eligible renewable wind or solar systems can be tied right into the grid. They can also provide energy which lowers demand.
You get paid in the form of credits for energy you generate. This is based on a competitive bidding process approved by the MPSC. For more information on credits and how they work, please see our credit details section below. Note that SRP is only eligible for generators up to 150 kW AC.
Program Requirements
How to Enroll
You can join the Simple Renewable Program if:
1. You are a full service customer that is generating some or all of your own electricity. Your generator should have a maximum capacity of 150 kW AC.
2. You meet one of the following standards:
For more information, please see our terms and definitions below.
To get started:
Customers that own a renewable system with an existing Interconnection Agreement are eligible to continue program tenure and receive generation credits. To get started, complete the New Move in Form. This will start the interconnection agreement transfer process.
Processing can take up to one month to complete. Credits will be applied starting the date the new account holder has set up electric service. Please note that the existing system was designed based off the previous account holder’s electric use.
Step 1: New Account holder transfers electric service by calling Customer Service at (800) 477-5050.
Step 2: Customer submits a New Move in Form and sends in $25.00 application fee via U.S. mail.
Step 3: The transfer application will be reviewed. A draft of the new Interconnection Agreement will be put together within ten business days.
Step 4: The received payment will be verified. The Agreement will be sent to the customer electronically via DocuSign within three business days.
Step 5: Customer signs the agreement and it is countersigned by a Consumers Energy engineer within three business days.
Step 6: The account will be rebilled from the date electric service was established within ten business days.
For a helpful resource in finding a renewable installer, please visit Michigan Saves investigates contractors using an in-depth process and provides a directory of contractors in your area.
For your safety, please do not share personal information or energy details with parties that:
Consumers Energy does not endorse, certify, or recommend renewable contractors. In addition, Consumers Energy does not go door-to-door to promote its programs.
To confirm that any person on your site works for us, please look for:
New full avoided costs rates stemming from competitive bids will be filed with the Commission for review. Approval will occur at least every five years or whenever a competitive bid names a rate change of at least 15% in either direction. The current outflow credit rate is $0.046/kWh. Excess credits add up and are carried over month to month. These credits can only be applied to energy charge, distribution and Power Supply Cost Recovery (PSCR) line Items.
Resources and Forms You May Need