PowerMIDrive™ Home Charger Installation Rebates

With the Consumers Energy PowerMIDrive program, residential customers can earn a rebate of up to $500 for the installation of Level 2 charger at their home.

$500 Off Installation Costs for a Qualified Level 2 Charger

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A level 2 charger is the most convenient way to charge your electric vehicle at home and can charge most EVs to full overnight.

To qualify for the PowerMIDrive rebate, you must:

  • Be a Consumers Energy residential electric customer
  • Own/lease or have an EV ordered or reserved that will be registered to the primary address associated with the Consumers Energy electric account
  • Agree to enroll in Nighttime Savers Rate
  • Install a qualified residential level 2 home charger:
      • With a maximum output of 9.6 kW (50-amp circuit maximum/40 amps of output maximum). If you install a charger exceeding an output of 9.6 kW then additional upgrade fees for your electrical system may apply.
      • That is (A.) both Energy Star rated and UL-Certified or (B.) Provided by an automotive manufacturer.

View List of Qualified Chargers

*This list does not include all qualified chargers. Any charger that meets the requirements above is eligible for rebate.

If you're ready to install a level 2 charger, contact our EV Specialists. They'll answer all your questions and can connect you with our preferred electrician network. The installation must follow our terms and conditions linked below to qualify for a rebate.

Income Qualified Offer:
Income qualified customers may be eligible for an increased rebate up to $1,000 with the installation of a level 2 charger. Our EV Specialists can help you through the process once you submit your rebate application.

Qualifying for this rebate will also enroll you in our Smart Charging Incentive Program for more savings.

EV using smart charging in a residential garage at night

Need help with the specifics? Talk to an EV Specialist!

From installing a charger to learning about rates, speak to one of our specialists to get your questions answered.

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