Restoration Ongoing After Ice Storm in North, 90 MPH Wind Gusts Sweep Through Southern Michigan

700 Crews Continue Their Work

Road Trips and Your EV

Hitting the Road with Your EV

Pack your bags, it’s time to plan a road trip with your EV!

Planning a Road Trip: 4 Things to Know

1. Make the Most Out of Your Range

With an EV, everything is running off the battery including the air conditioning, heating and other power systems. When you use battery power, you’re losing range. Be thoughtful about how you’re using power to maximize your range.

2. Plan Where You Stop to Charge

When you’re planning your trip, mark which places you want to stop at to charge. Be sure to have a backup charging station to stop at in case your first choice is busy.

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3. Be Prepared to Charge at a Moment’s Notice

On the road, you may run into closed highways and road construction. The last thing you want to do is get stuck at zero battery. Make sure to pack your mobile charger and be prepared to find an EV charger if your battery gets low.

4. Stick with The Road More Traveled (For Now)

Currently, charging stations are found more in populated areas than rural areas. If it’s possible, when mapping out your route, try to use major roads and stay in popular areas as you’re likely to find more stations available.

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Top EV-Friendly Destinations in Michigan

With bustling cities and beautiful small towns, Michigan is extremely EV-friendly. Below are just a few of our favorite EV-friendly spots to visit.

A lake view of Traverse City

Shop Around in Traverse City

With beautiful sights all-around, Traverse City is a must. Traverse City offers an array of shops and eateries to satisfy every walk of life.

Located just a few blocks from Traverse City’s main street, this charging station has two level 2 chargers.

Downtown Detroit towards M-10

Cruise Around the Motor City

With amazing sports teams, a buzzing restaurant scene and plenty to see, Detroit brings big-city charm to Michigan.

Just minutes away from Detroit, Royal Oak features tasty restaurants and unique shops. You will find two level 2 chargers here.

Muskegon lighthouse during sunset

Recharge Your Mind (and Car) in Muskegon

If a sleepy-side beach town sounds like a dream to you, Muskegon is for you. Just an hour away from Grand Rapids, Muskegon is perfect for those wanting to escape and relax.

Pere Marquette Park is a must for a beach day. You will find two Level 2 chargers here.

The skyline of Grand Rapids, Michigan

Enjoy a Little Bit of Everything in Grand Rapids

Grand Rapids is the perfect spot to visit if you want to stay in the city, but enjoy the beach and nature, too.

One of Grand Rapids’ top attractions, the Grand Rapids Art Museum (GRAM) is a must see with U.S. and European art. Near the museum you’ll find two level 2 chargers.

the Riverwalk in Bay City

Stroll Along the River in Bay City

A beautiful city that borders Saginaw River, Bay City is a hidden gem in Michigan with historic ships, parks to explore and its very own river walk.

For those who love nature and walking the outdoors, Bay City’s Riverwalk is a must. The Riverwalk is located near two level 2 chargers

The State Capitol Building in Lansing

Get to Know Michigan’s Capital City

The capital of Michigan, Lansing features a walkable downtown area with artsy neighborhoods, hip boutiques and historic landmarks.

While in Lansing, the State Capitol building is a can’t miss. There are daily tours offered of the building during weekdays, which is located downtown with several level 2 chargers within walking distance.

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