Extreme Heat

What the hot weather means for your energy use and safety.

Little girl eating a watermelon in front of a fan

Beat the heat with these energy saving tips

With hot weather spikes come bill increases. See how you can take action to stay comfortable and lower your energy use below:

3 Factors That Impact Your Summer Bill

Illustration of an excavator upgrading natural gas pipeline

1. The Cost of Upgrading Infrastructure

We want to bring you the most reliable service we possibly can, so we make updates to our natural gas pipelines and work to modernize our electric grid. The cost of these upgrades are included in our supply charges.

Illustration of a natural gas pipeline

2. Increased Energy Delivery Costs

The cost of delivering electricity and natural gas to you can go up and down. Electricity costs fluctuate, so the rate is set to make sure this cost is covered. For natural gas, you only pay what we pay. There is no markup. But if the cost of natural gas rises, as it has recently, the cost on your bill will rise as well.

scorching hot earth next to a thermometer reading a high temperature

3. Changes in the Weather

As temperatures dip or soar, your heating or cooling equipment will also run more causing your energy costs to rise.

Jackson, MI







Quick Tips to Save this Summer

Find Energy Saving Solutions

Small, meaningful changes to how we use energy can make a big impact by saving money. See how you can make these changes with our DIY tips, special rebates and programs and whole home solutions.

Learn How to Save

Save Even More with Peak Power Savers Programs

If you're looking for extra ways to save, we offer programs that reward you for using less energy during times of high demand.

See Programs

How to Run Your Appliances Efficiently

Checklist to Stay Safe in High Heat

Hydrate early and often

Make sure to drink lots of water on days leading up hot weather. Always have fresh water by you while working and playing and avoid drinks with high sugar or caffeine. Being hydrated helps prevent heat-related illness as well as strains and sprains.

Wear the right clothing

Wear loose-fitting, light-colored, breathable clothing that covers exposed skin.

Wear sunblock

Apply a high SPF (30 or higher) sunblock at least an hour before going out in the sun. Make sure to reapply throughout the day. Pay extra attention to your ears and face.

Never Leave Kids or Pets in a Vehicle

When it’s hot, it’s never safe to leave children or pets in a vehicle while it’s parked — even with a window open. Vehicles can reach dangerously hot temperature very quickly. To be cautious, always to check to make sure no one is in the car when you leave it.

When You’re Outside, Stay in Shady Areas

If you have to be outside, try to find areas of shade to keep yourself cool from the sun. As a general rule of thumb, it’s better to be outside in the morning and evening times when it’s coolest.

If you lose AC, go to a cool place.

If your home is uncomfortably hot due to no air conditioning, there are public places you can stay cool such as local libraries, shopping malls and community centers. There may even be public cooling centers by you. To find them visit mi211.org and search “cooling centers” with your zip code.

3 Heat Illnesses to Watch For

Heat Cramps

Heat cramp symptoms include very painful muscle spasms that occur in the:

  • Calves
  • Arms
  • Stomach
  • Back

If you suspect you may have heat cramps make sure to rest, drink water or an electrolyte sports drink and avoid strenuous activity for several hours.

Heat Exhaustion

Watch out for the following symptoms of heat exhaustion:

  • Pale skin and excessive sweating
  • Throbbing headache
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision

If you suspect you may have heat exhaustion, make sure to cool down and rest, drink water or an electrolyte sports drink and put cool, wet cloths on your body. If your symptoms last longer than an hour or get worse, seek medical attention.

Heat Stroke

Watch out for the following symptoms of heat stroke:

  • Dry or red skin with no sweat
  • Lack of sweating
  • Rapid pulse
  • Unconscious or incoherent

If you suspect you may have heat stroke, call 9-1-1 or go to the hospital immediately. Do not drink anything.

Need a Hand Paying Your Energy Bill?

We care about our neighbors and want them to know help is available. To learn more see below:

  • If you are having trouble paying your bill, dial 2-1-1 for help. 2-1-1 is a free service that connects people with available resources in their community.

  • We also have a variety of programs and payment arrangements that are available. To learn more, you can visit our Payment Plans & Assistance page.

  • State Emergency Relief (SER) funds are available to provide help right away. This is for income qualified households who have a past due energy bill or shut-off notice. Please visit MI Bridges to apply.

  • Get help for general assistance needs with the Michigan Public Service Commission.

  • Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) is providing funds for energy-efficiency focused housing projects. For more information visit: www.michigan.gov/mi-hope.

  • Our Budget Plan also provides a way for customers to pay a consistent monthly bill year-round.