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Give Us a Call.
Use the Chart Below to Find the Correct Number.

NOTE: Please call if you are unable to have your natural gas temporarily disconnected, or if you know a neighbor who is unable to get notification of this service.
Did you get an email or letter from us about exchanging your natural gas meter soon? This page will explain the program, answer your questions and outline ways to make the exchange go smoothly.
This annual program is our way of making sure our natural gas meters are safe and accurate. We test the integrity and accuracy of each meter exchanged, and can make those results available.
Before Your Exchange
We will reach out to you in a letter to let you know we are exchanging the meters in your area.
You will receive a postcard from us within a week of your scheduled replacement date.
If you would prefer to schedule this exchange at a convenient time, please give us a call. Use the chart below to find the phone number for your area.
On the Day of Your Exchange
We will come to your door and let you know we are going to begin the meter exchange.
When the exchange is safely completed we will turn your gas back on and relight the pilot lights of your gas appliances.
Due to safety reasons we will only be able to reconnect your service if an adult 18 years or older is home.
Frequently Asked Questions
The exchange process takes approximately 1.5 - 2 hours, and will include installation of a new bypass meter stand. We will turn off your gas, remove the meter, and install the new stand and meter. Finally, we will come inside to light any pilots and check for leaks.
This is a program that Consumers Energy performs every spring/summer/fall pursuant to Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) requirements to exchange “older” gas meters so they can be tested for accuracy. In 2020, we began exchanging meters to accommodate a new type of meter stand that allows for work to be done on the meter (including any future exchanges) without interruption to the customer's gas flow.
Consumers Energy is transitioning the meters we have historically used to an upgraded installation that will allow meter work to be done without interruption to our customers. This installation includes a new "Bypass Meter Stand" that looks a little bit different but has benefits to our customers. Meters can be removed and exchanged without interruption or the need for relighting of appliances (whenever needed). This transition began in 2020.
Most people like to be home so their pilot lights can be re-lit, but it is not necessary. If you cannot be home we will put a green tag on your door to let you know your gas is turned off. This tag will include the phone number to call for us to return to turn your gas back on. We do ask someone to be in the home who is 18 years old or older when we turn the gas back on; we will not enter the home if only minor children are present.
All of our employees are required to wear an ID Badge and will drive a Company van with the Consumers Energy Logo on the side of it. Please before allowing anyone in your home; ask to see their ID badge. Your safety is important to us. If you are still uncomfortable, please call our office at 1-800-477-5050 and ask if this person is indeed an employee of Consumers Energy.
We ask that you keep the area around the meter free from debris and/or foliage. If you have a pet, please secure them in another room.
This is a new technology upgrade that uses a radio signal to read the meter. This allows us to read your meter in a timely manner from the street using an electronic wand, without stepping onto your property.
Contact Number by Area
Have Questions?
Give Us a Call.
Use the Chart Below to Find the Correct Number.
NOTE: Please call if you are unable to have your natural gas temporarily disconnected, or if you know a neighbor who is unable to get notification of this service.