Restoration Ongoing After Ice Storm in North, 90 MPH Wind Gusts Sweep Through Southern Michigan

700 Crews Continue Their Work

Instant Discount Service For Business

Instant Savings for your Business Upgrades

Our Instant Discount Service makes energy efficient products available to businesses at a reduced price from participating distributors. The intent of the service is to help your business save energy and improve your bottom line by replacing standard efficiency products with higher efficiency alternatives. Product rebates are delivered to the commercial, industrial and contractor markets as a reduction in the purchase price of qualifying products at the time of sale.


How It Works

Choose Eligible Energy Saving Upgrades

Whether you are looking to replace your interior commercial lighting, or natural gas water heater or furnace, there is an energy-saving solution for you. And rebates from Consumers Energy help to offset the price of the products, making energy-saving electric and natural gas equipment a cost-effective choice.

Claim Your Discount

To help you start saving even sooner you can now receive rebates on eligible replacement products instantly at participating distributors. You get your rebate taken right off the price of the product at the time of purchase.

Eligible Products

energy star logo

*Product Listings

Some of these products are ENERGY STAR® and/or DLC listed.
To learn more, visit the ENERGY STAR® section within

See ENERGY STAR® Service
Miscellaneous Measures
Electric Products
Products Discount
Cogged V-Belt $75/unit
Drinking Water Cooler Misers $50/unit
Night Covers $20/unit
Snack Vending Machine Misers $25/unit
3-phase High Frequency Battery Charger  
1 Shift $175.00/unit
2 Shift $275.00/unit
3 Shift $375.00/unit

*Must be Energy Star or DLC listed

Miscellaneous Measures
Electric & Natural Gas Products
Products Discount
Clothes Dryer*
Electric $90/unit
Natural Gas $25/unit
Clothes Washer*
Electric Water heater $70/unit
Natural Gas Water heater $20/unit

*Must be Energy Star

Miscellaneous Measures
Natural Gas Products
Products Discount
Pool Cover (Automatic 400 - 10,000 sqft) up to $9,600.00/unit
Pool Cover (Manual 400 - 10,000 sqft) up to $4,800.00/unit
Sash Stops $35/unit
Steam Traps $75/unit
Lighting Products
Products Discount
Daylight Sensors $15.00/unit
Exit Signs $7.00/unit
LED A-Series* $3.25/lamp
LED BR-Series* $8.00/lamp
LED Candelabra and Globe* $5.00/lamp
LED Lamp with Wi-Fi Controls $4.00/lamp
LED MR16* $4.00/lamp
LED Omni Directional* $3.25/lamp
LED PAR* $7.00/lamp
LED Pin Based* $4.00/lamp
LED Trim Kit* $8.00/lamp
LED Tube*
2ft $2.00/lamp
3ft $3.00/lamp
4ft $4.00/lamp
8ft $8.00/lamp
LED Wallpack*  
< 50 Watts $15/lamp
50 - 99 Watts $30/lamp
100 - 225 Watts $50/lamp
> 226 Watts $100/lamp
Lamp Category**  
1x4 LED Flat Panel (1500-3000 lm)  $3.00
1x4 LED Flat Panel (3001-4500 lm)  $4.00
1x4 LED Flat Panel (4501-6000 lm)  $7.00
2x2 LED Flat Panel (2000-3000 lm)  $6.00
2x2 LED Flat Panel (GT 3001 lm)  $8.00
2x4 LED Flat Panel (3000-4500 lm)  $4.00
2x4 LED Flat Panel (4501-6000 lm)  $7.00
2x4 LED Flat Panel (GT 6001)  $9.00

*Must be Energy Star or DLC listed

**There is a 20 maximum per customer for flat panels. University/College campuses are considered one location and only qualify for 20 total flat panels. Projects with more than 20 flat panels must go through the prescriptive program.

HVAC Products
Electric Products
Products Discount
Ductless Air Conditioning Units $50/unit
HEPA Filters $80/unit
Non-HEPA Filters $13/unit
Less than 7kbtu/hr $50/unit
7kBtu/hr - 15kBtu/hr $60/unit
Over 15kBtu/hr $70/unit
RTU up to $785/unit

HVAC: Electric and Natural Gas Products
Products Discount
Tankless Water Heaters
Natural Gas-Fired $150/unit
Electric $50/unit
Natural Gas Products
Products Discount
92- 94.99% AFUE, <120kBtu $300.00
92- 94.99% AFUE, ≥120kBtu $350.00
≥95% AFUE, <120kBtu $325.00
≥95% AFUE, ≥120kBtu $400.00
Tank-Style Domestic Water Heater
Up to 55 gal, less than 75 mbh and .64 UEF $60/unit
Up to 55 gal, less than 75 mbh and .68 UEF $150/unit
Over 55 gal, less than 75 mbh and .80 UEF $50/unit
Less than 140 gal and over 75 mbh $275/unit
Hydronic Boilers  
> 90% Efficiency $2/MBH

*Must be Energy Star

Foodservice Products
Electric Products
Products Discount
Commercial Glass Door Refrigerators*
Less than 15 cu.feet $50/unit
15 to 30 cu. ft. $75/unit
31 to 50 cu. ft. $100/unit
> 50 cu. ft. $125/unit
Commercial Glass Door Freezers*
Less than 15 cu. feet $50/unit
15 to 30 cu. ft. $75/unit
31 to 50 cu. ft. $115/unit
> 50 cu. ft. $150/unit
Commercial Solid Door Refrigerators*
Less than 15 cu. feet $50/unit
15 to 30 cu. ft. $75/unit
31 to 50 cu. ft. $75/unit
> 50 cu. ft. $125/unit
Commercial Solid Door Freezers*
Less than 15 cu. feet $50/unit
15 to 30 cu. ft. $75/unit
31 to 50 cu. ft. $75/unit
> 50 cu. ft. $125/unit
Energy Efficient Ice Machines
Less than 500 lbs $100/unit
500 to 1000 lbs $250/unit
1001 to 1500 lbs $350/unit
Hot Holding Cabinets*
Half Size $275/unit
Three Quarter Size $375/unit
Full Size $600/unit
Steam Cookers*
3 Pan (electric) $1,000/unit
4 Pan (electric) $1,250/unit
5 Pan (electric) $1,500/unit
6 Pan (electric) $1,650/unit

*Must be Energy Star

Electric and Natural Gas Products
Products Discount
Combination Ovens
Electric $1,800/unit
Natural Gas $1,500/unit
Convection Ovens*
Electric $250/unit
Natural Gas $475/unit
Electric $150/unit
Natural Gas $500/unit
Electric $300/unit
Natural Gas $350/unit
Pre-Rinse Sprayers
Electric Water Heater $35/unit
Natural Gas Water Heater $30/unit

*Must be Energy Star

Natural Gas Products
Products Discount
Commercial Conveyor Oven
Less than or equal to 25 in total conveyor width $345/unit
Greater than 25 in total conveyor width $460/unit
Dishwasher-Commercial* $250/unit
Dishwasher-Under Counter* $50/unit
Infrared Charbroiler $950/unit
Infrared Rotisserie Oven $225/unit
Infrared Salamander Broiler $275/unit
Infrared Upright Broiler $750/unit
Large Vat Fryer $625/unit
Pasta Cooker $1,100/unit
Rack Oven Single $920/unit
Rack Oven Double $1,840/unit
Commercial Kitchen Ventilation $0.40/CFM
Steam Cookers*
5 Pan (Natural Gas) $1,7250/unit
6 Pan (Natural Gas) $2,070/unit

*Must be Energy Star

Agriculture Measures
Products Discount
Engine Block Heater Controls $60/unit
Low-Energy Livestock Waterer $125/unit
Cogged V-Belt Drives $75/unit
High Efficiency Unit Heater
at least 92% efficient $2.85/MBH
at least 95% efficient $2.75/MBH
Agriculture Circulation, Exhaust or Vent Fans
24” - 35” Fan Blade Diameter $30/unit
36” - 47” Fan Blade Diameter $55/unit
48” - 71” Fan Blade Diameter $100/unit

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