A deep analysis and a sophisticated strategy to save your business energy.
If your business has multiple buildings and a resolve to make dramatic improvements in energy efficiency, ENERGY STAR® Service will help you achieve your goals. You'll learn which of your buildings will benefit the most from energy upgrades and which measures will save you the most.
We’ll work together to develop a comprehensive, multi-level ENERGY STAR analysis of your facilities, benchmarking your buildings to identify the best opportunities to save. The outcome: a smart plan for major energy savings.
Jim N., Director of Facilities & Maintenance
Durand Area Schools - Durand, MI
ENERGY STAR® Program begins with a high-level look at all your buildings. We’ll give each building a benchmark rating, which will tell you:
Next, we’ll conduct a walk-through assessment of all selected buildings. We'll identify easy, low-cost process changes you can make to start saving energy right away.
In this phase, we’ll also recommend additional Business Energy Efficiency programs that could result in additional savings. Simultaneously, we’ll work together on a deeper, more rigorous analysis to find more energy savings from the buildings we prioritized in the benchmarking phase.
Finally, we create a detailed plan for future energy upgrades, designed to deliver maximum savings to your business with a short payback period.
You’ll get much more than a to-do list. We'll identify the measures that will have the most impact on each targeted building's efficiency, and develop an implementation schedule. We'll also outline how long it will take you to offset your investment in energy savings.
Contact us to learn more about the ENERGY STAR® Program and start planning for long-term savings.
Give us a call at 877-607-0737 or email us.
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