Spring into – Savings Tips to Save Money and Energy!

Springtime in Michigan – flowers blooming, the sun re-emerging after a long winter and we’re feeling a hint of warmer weather. This “shoulder season” as we transition to warmer weather is a great time to save energy and money around your home and help you prepare for the upcoming heat of summer. Count on us to help with tips and ideas!

man holding an object

Use Natural Cooling

Resist the temptation to fire up the air conditioner on that first warm day. Instead, crack open a couple of windows and take advantage of spring breezes to naturally cool your home. Or, if you must use the AC, by turning on your ceiling fan you can adjust your thermostat up to 4 degrees higher while still staying cool.

Made in the Shade

Window coverings can help during this transitional season. On cooler days, close them at night to keep warm air in and cold out. Then open them during the day to let sunlight in and warm your home. As the weather warms up, close window coverings in the morning on sun-exposed windows to keep your home cool.

Keep Your Cool

Simple maintenance on your AC system like cleaning or changing the filters can reduce your cooling system’s energy use by up to 15%. Cooling your house uses up to 17% of your monthly energy bill, so this can add up fast. Spring is a great time to schedule a comprehensive cooling system tune-up! We offer rebates of $65 to help with the cost. Just click here to find a local comprehensive tune-up contractor.

Slow the Flow to Save Some Dough

man replacing furnace filter

Water heating accounts for around 18% of the energy used in your home. If you use less hot water, you use less energy (and save money). A good place to start is installing a low-flow shower head. The best ones (look for the EPA’s Water Sense certification) maintain plenty of water pressure while slashing your hot water use. Switching to washing your clothes in cold water is another easy area to save. Want to save even more? The Consumer Products Safety Commission recommends setting your water heater at no more than 120 degrees to prevent scalding. Lower settings will reduce your energy use.

Get in the Know

Do you know how your home uses energy? An energy assessment can help identify problem areas – not just for cooling this summer, but also for heating during the colder months. During our Home Energy Analysis an energy expert will visit your home and give you a summary report to better understand opportunities to save energy and money at no cost to you. As a bonus, you’ll even get free on-the-spot home upgrades to make your home more energy efficient! Want to dig deeper to develop a plan to save more money on your energy bill? We’ve got lots more programs that can help. There are even programs for renters and help for those with little or no budget for improvements.

Keep the Cool In and the Hot Out

Was your home chilly or drafty this winter? That’s a likely sign of air leaks. Sealing air leaks around your home and adding insulation can save you around 10% and get you ready for cooling season. Get out that caulk gun or can of spray foam and seal up those leaky spots. Adding insulation is a cost-effective way to improve your home’s energy efficiency – and you can earn rebates to help with the cost.

Save Energy. Save Money.

We want to help you find ways to save energy and money all around your house. Saving energy not only helps stretch your budget but also supports a more sustainable future for Michigan. Want to learn more about how you can make your home more energy efficient year-round? Just head to ConsumersEnergy.com/HomeSavings to see more! Some energy efficiency improvements could even earn you rebates. Visit ConsumersEnergy.com/rebates to learn more.