We're committed to providing safe, reliable natural gas service to our customers in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula while protecting the safety of our neighbors who live or work near our pipelines and facilities.
Total Gas Customers
Total Gas Customers (12 Month Average)
1.8 million
Residential (# of Homes)
1.672 million
Counties Served
Population Served 2021
4.1 million
Annual Gas Deliveries
Annual Gas Deliveries (2021)
347 billion cubic feet
Purchased from supplier pipelines
212 billion cubic feet
Record 24-hour sendout (February 19, 2015)
2.7 billion cubic feet
Pipeline Distribution Mains
28,000 miles
Compressor Stations
149,817 available hp
Pipeline Transmission and Storage (1600 miles) and Storage (250 miles)
1,850 miles
Storage field (working capability)
149 billion cubic feet
Number of Gas Meters in Use
Number of Gas Communication Modules
These numbers are based on accounting, not regulatory code.
Our Service Territory
We provide natural gas service to homes and businesses in 45 counties in the Lower Peninsula.