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Compressed Air Service

A Compressed Air Energy Audit Will Identify Savings Opportunities

Whether you use compressed air on your assembly line, on a shop floor, in air tools, pneumatic post systems, in older HVAC systems or for energy storage, an energy audit can help you cut your compressed air costs.

You can choose your own qualified contractor to perform the audit, or use our Find a Contractor tool to locate one. See our Business Energy Efficiency Programs Incentive Catalog for eligibility requirements.

Make Improvements to Save Energy and Earn More Rebates

There are many ways to make compressed air systems more efficient, and we offer over 20 compressed air rebates for energy saving measures including:

  • Correctly sizing your compressed air system
  • Installing variable speed drive (VSD) air compressors
  • Installing zero loss condensate drains
  • Installing new, efficient air dryers
  • Adding air compressor waste heat recovery systems
  • Replacing pneumatic air tools with electric tools
For a full list of energy saving improvements that qualify for rebates, check out our Business Energy Efficiency Programs Incentive Catalog. Or contact us anytime to discuss the possibilities.

Identifying ways to cut our energy use has been our main objective, and this [compressed air] program has enabled us to capture energy savings while improving the energy efficiency of the facility.

Bill N., Engineering Manager

Kellogg USA Manufacturing – Battle Creek, MI

Get Started

To get started improving the energy efficiency of your compressed air systems, contact our Business Energy Efficiency Team or download our application.

Call us at 877-607-0737 or email us anytime.

Other Ways to Save