Demand Response Event Day Resources

Everything You Need to Know for Event Days

It’s important to be prepared in case of an Event Day. Access your Demand Response portal, learn what happens on Event Day, and find answers to your Demand Response questions below.

Your Demand Response Portal

Access Your Demand Response Portal

The Demand Response Portal helps you track and achieve your energy use reduction goals on Event Days and beyond.

Login to review your Energy Reduction Plan and more. 

Login to Your Portal

What to Expect on an Event Day

Event Days are when electricity demand is at its highest and there is strain on the energy grid. When this happens, we call for a reduction in energy so we can help keep it affordable and reliable.

We have enough energy to serve our customers and the entire Midcontinental Independent System Operator (MISO) network (15 states and one province of Canada). Event days are rare, and are decided by MISO, not us. During an event the entire MISO network follows planned steps to reduce energy use on the grid.

How to Prepare for an Event Day

Watch this video to know what to expect when an Event Day is called.

Timing of an Event Day

  • icon number 1

    Early Alert

    An event hasn’t started yet. A few hours before a possible event, you will get an email, text and phone call alert that conditions are right for it to happen. No need to take action yet, but keep your Energy Reduction Plan (ERP) handy.

  • icon number 2

    Warning Alert

    Up to 30 minutes before an event is called, you will get an alert letting you know the timeframe of when the event will occur. (This alert will come from 800-500-6565 or 866-402-7267, so please do not ignore.)

    Now would be the time to follow the steps in your ERP to reduce energy use. You can find your ERP on the Demand Response Portal during an active event if you don’t have it available. 

  • Termination Alert

    Follow the steps in your ERP and reduce energy use until you receive this alert. The Termination Alert will let you know when the event is over. You’re now cleared to return to business as usual.

  • icon number 4

    Real-Time Performance

    If you nominate more than 100 kilowatts per location, you can check your real-time performance throughout the event with the Demand Response Portal. You will also receive a report[LAB1] from our Network Operation Center via email 2-3 days after the event.

Note: Event Day alerts come from 800-500-6565 or 866-402-7267. Please do not ignore them.

You will receive a series of alerts when an Event Day is called. They will come from one of the numbers above. It is vital that you watch for them throughout the day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Demand Response Glossary

Update Your Contact Information

Keeping your information up-to-date is crucial for Event Day notifications. If you need to update multiple contacts, please download and fill out our Contact List template and email it to 

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Web Access & Notification Type

Consumers Energy will not sell any of your provided information.