An Easier Way to Go Green

Installing solar panels on your business can be costly and time consuming. With Solar Gardens, we can help you promote a cleaner future for your customers without the upfront costs and long-term maintenance of owning your own solar energy system.

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Solar Gardens is our way of helping your business move toward environmental sustainability without breaking the bank. We build, operate and maintain community solar power plants right here in Michigan and your business subscribes to a portion of the energy produced. Here’s how it works:

Consumers Energy Solar Gardens

Why Participate?

Environmental Benefits

Your Solar Gardens subscription will make a big environmental impact. Solar energy from the Solar Gardens Program generated to date is equivalent to:

It doesn’t matter if you own or rent.

As a Consumers Energy’s full-service* electric customer you’re eligible to subscribe to Solar Gardens.

When you subscribe to the program, you agree to pay a low monthly fee on your electric bill each month** and receive a monthly solar energy credit based on the amount of energy produced.

Should you change service locations after you’ve enrolled in the program, your subscription will move with you. Move out of our service territory, and you'll automatically be removed from the program without penalty.

There are several payment plans available to fit your lifestyle – and for as little as $8 per month, you can promote a cleaner Michigan for decades to come. For additional details see Program Terms and Conditions.

See more about the Solar Gardens experience.
*Full-service electric customers are served on rates RS, RDP, RDPR, RT, GS, GSTU, GSD, GP, GPD, EIP and GPTU. To confirm your rate classification, please reference the back of your monthly bill under Rate Information.

**Customers who participate in the budget plan, winter protection plan, or shut-off protection plan will receive a second invoice for their participation rather than a consolidated electric bill.

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We offer several ways for you to pay, with plans to fit every budget.

For as little as $8 per month, you can subscribe to solar energy.

Alternatively, you can choose an up-front, 3 year, or 7 year payment term and continue to receive credits on your bill after your payment has been completed. Contact us for more information on these alternative subscription options or if you are interested in changing your existing Solar Gardens subscription.

Subscription Options:

Up-front: $860
3 Year term: $27 per month
7 year term: $13 per month
25 year term: $8 per month

In 2023, credits averaged $3.53 per SolarBlock per month.

See more about the Solar Gardens experience. 

Solar Production

The data below illustrates how much solar energy has been generated in Michigan through the Solar Gardens program to-date. As you can see, your participation in programs like this makes a big difference.

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