Home Solutions Program

Customer going over a brochure that talks about the Home Solutions Program

Do More. Get More. Save More.

Our Home Solutions Program transforms your home to be more efficient with savings and rewards in home improvement areas such as heating and cooling systems, insulation and windows, and more. You’ll enjoy the upgrades – and so will any future buyers.

Getting started is easy! Simply find a participating contractor and you'll be on your way to a better home. The more energy efficient products you choose, the more energy and money you’ll save.

Getting Started

Tax credits are available on some products. Taking advantage of tax credits and Consumers Energy’s rebates is a good way to help make the transition to a clean energy future more affordable. Check with your tax advisor to understand how this effects your taxes. Learn more about available tax credits.

Where You Could Save

Heating & Cooling

Earn up to $500 in rebates when you upgrade to a high efficiency heating and cooling system. You can also earn up to $65 in rebates for a comprehensive tune-up, which will keep your heating and cooling system working better and help you save energy. Work with a participating contractor in your area to get started.

See Heating & Cooling

Insulation & Windows

When you replace inefficient windows and patio doors, you could earn rebates and save on your energy bill. Or upgrade your insulation and earn up to $475 in rebates. Getting started is easy. All you need to do is use one of our participating contractors to help you with your upgrades.

Upgrade Insulation & Windows

Water Heaters

Did you know costs to heat your water are on average 15-20% of your energy bill? When you upgrade to an ENERGY STAR® water heater, it helps keeps these costs down. We offer ENERGY STAR water heaters that are eligible for instant rebates. Get started by using one of participating contractors.

See Water Heaters

Choose the Right Contractor

Choose from our list of participating contractors in your area. They will guide you through the process and help you get qualifying rebates. Easily search by location or name and sort by services provided.

*Source: EnergyStar.gov. For windows rated as Northern Climate Zone. Details of the program, including rebates, are subject to change or cancellation without any notice. Rebates are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.