We’re spending $17 million to augment our pipeline system, which includes a new $9 million natural gas compressor which is being built to increase reliability to customers in Huron and Tuscola counties.
We’re adding 146 miles of new gas distribution main in areas currently without natural gas, supporting over 2,000 new residential customers.
We’re coordinating with local, county and state governments to make gas infrastructure improvements while they make roadway and civic improvements.
“Smart pig” technology helps to identify integrity problems, like gaps in protective wrap or dents. We’re spending $500 million to inspect, assess and replace pipeline for safety and reliability.
We’re spending $75 million to complete 60 improvement projects and replace an additional 86 miles of pipe with plastic and steel, using nearly 500 dedicated team members.
To improve reliability and safety, we’re expanding and upgrading service to more than 10,000 expected new residential customers.