Required Postings and Reports

EPA Variance Utilization

Consumers Energy intends to use an Environmental Protection Agency approved variance, effective June 10, 2014, that allows Utility Solid Waste Activities Group members to dispose polychlorinated biphenyls remediation waste at concentrations of less than 50 ppm PCB in approved Landfill facilities. Inquiries about the variance should be directed to:

Consumers Energy
Environmental Services Department
PCB Program Manager
1945 W Parnall Rd
Jackson, MI. 49201

Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)

Consumers Energy annually reports chemical releases to air, land, and water from electric generation and secondary supportive processes that may have an impact on human health and the environment to the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI). Consumers Energy's submittal to the TRI may be found on the Environmental Protection Agency's website.

Michigan Air Emissions Reporting System (MAERS)

In compliance with the Clean Air Act, Consumers Energy is required to report air emission to the Department of Environmental Quality annually. Please review Consumers Energy's MAERS submittal on the Department of Environmental Quality's website.

Figure 1: Consumers Energy has decreased sulfur dioxide (SO2) by 53%, nitric oxide (NOx) emissions by 78%, and particulate matter by 75% from 1998 to 2014. We anticipate to significantly reducing these emissions further in the near future. Additional emission data for Consumers Energy can be found in our MAEARS submittal.

Figure 2: Consumers Energy has achieved a 28% reduction in our mercury (Hg) emissions from 2007 to 2014. We anticipate to significantly reducing these emissions further in the near future. Additional emission data for Consumers Energy can be found in our MAEARS submittal.

air quality emission reductions mecury

Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP)

In compliance with the Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule, Consumers Energy is required to report GHG emissions from sources that, in general, emit 25,000 metric tons or more of carbon dioxide equivalent per year. Consumers Energy's submittals may be found on the Environmental Protection Agency's Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program website.

Air Markets Program Data Reports

Additional air emission data for our generating fleet is reported to the EPA under their Acid Rain, Clean Air Interstate Rule, and the Cross State Air Pollution Rule air market programs. Please review Consumers Energy's submittals to these programs on the Environmental Protection Agency's website.