When selecting our team for the project, we chose Vestas-American Wind Technology Inc. to supply 56 V100-1.8-MW wind turbine generators (which are the most efficient turbines for the region’s wind speeds).
We also selected White Construction Inc. as the engineering, procurement and construction contractor for the project because of their competitive price, experience and history of good working relationships with landowners and communities during the construction phase of previous wind park projects.
Sound Parameters
The maximum predicted sound level at an occupied structure located on a participating parcel is 45.5 dBA (county limit = 55 dBA). The maximum predicted sound level at the external property lines of non-participating parcels with an occupied structure will not exceed 45 dBA (county limit = 45 dBA). These levels are lower than commonly used industry standards and fall well below the Mason County zoning requirements for sound.
Shadow Flicker
The project has been laid out to minimize “flicker,” the shadows of rotating turbine blades. Homes near the turbines may experience a few minutes of flicker per day at some points during the year, but 94% of homes will experience only 10 hours (or less) each year. If the shadow flicker at the residence of any unpooled parcel exceeds the maximum zoning requirement of 10 hours per year, we will work to mitigate it.
Environmental Precautions
When considering placement of the wind energy farm in our project area, our team undertook two years of wildlife studies based on recommendations from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. These studies included in-depth avian studies, including song bird breeding and large bird migration completed by Dr. Joelle Gehring of Michigan Natural Features Inventory. No federally endangered or threatened bird species are likely to breed on site. A letter from MDNR indicates that the wind turbines should have no impact on rare and unique natural features. In addition, construction and operation of the wind farm is not likely to have an adverse effect on the Indiana bat, an endangered species, or the eastern pipistrelle, a species of special concern in Michigan (based on studies completed by Dr. Allan Kurta of Eastern Michigan University).
Design Precautions
The 100-megawatt (MW) Lake Winds Energy Park was designed to meet or exceed the requirements of local zoning, permitting and building codes. The wind farm also complies with applicable federal, state and local requirements to protect human health and the environment. Learn more.