• You pay a small incremental cost on your monthly bill to match your energy use with renewable energy credits. Your cost is only $0.0075 per kWh.
• Consumers Energy works with Michigan wind and solar facilities to fulfill the renewable energy credits you have subscribed to.
• Your renewable energy credits are “retired” each year, meaning only you can claim that your energy was matched with them.
• Open to all customers, residential and business, who haven’t had a shut-off notice in the last 9 months.
• Yearly re-enrollment is automatic.
• Consumers Energy works with Michigan wind and solar facilities to fulfill the renewable energy credits you have subscribed to.
• Your renewable energy credits are “retired” each year, meaning only you can claim that your energy was matched with them.
• Open to all customers, residential and business, who haven’t had a shut-off notice in the last 9 months.
• Yearly re-enrollment is automatic.