How Planned Tree Maintenance Works
Our customers depend on us to deliver safe and reliable electricity. Our expert Tree Management Team follows established forestry guidelines to ensure that trees don't interrupt your service. We use qualified line-clearance contractors to safely clear trees and vegetation that could interfere with our power lines. We also do planned tree management all over the state that follows a schedule. When we are in your area, we will take a look at tree growth to ensure you have safe and reliable service. Please note any contact with an electric line by a person or an object can result in severe injury or death.
Around two weeks before tree crews begin to work on a scheduled maintenance project, a letter will be mailed to you. It takes anywhere from one to three months to complete the project, so it could be anywhere from one to 12 weeks before tree crews arrive to do work on your property.
Customer Communications & Blue Marks on Trees
- Tree(s) to be trimmed on your property are marked with a blue dot (•)
- Tree(s) to be cut on your property are marked with a blue (X)
- Tree(s) to be cut outside of the right of way are marked with a blue (A)
- Brush (including small trees less than 4" diameter) to be cut on your property may be marked with a blue slash (/)
For scheduled line clearing activities, you may receive two or three notifications from us.
- Postcard: Well send this ahead of time to inform you of any upcoming tree marking and clearing activities.
- Door hanger: Forestry Planners may leave a door hanger with you detailing how your property will be impacted by upcoming tree clearing and trimming activities.
- Letter: You may get a letter informing you of upcoming tree clearing work. This will be sent no more than 90 days before the contractor performs the work.
Click here to contact forestry about a tree that is marked on my property.
Brush and Wood Debris & Our Tree Trimming Process
Property Owners Clean-Up Responsibilities
When the area is safe, it is your responsibility as the property owner to clean up debris after:
- Emergency service restoration
- Weather-related restoration
- Customer requested work
Consumers Energy Clean-Up Responsibilities
- In lawn areas: The wood will be left for your use. We cut the wood in lengths that make it easy to handle. Brush and anything smaller than 4" in diameter will be chipped and removed from landscaped areas.
- In unmaintained areas: Brush is either piled (which creates good habitat for wildlife and helps stop future tree growth) or is mulched and scattered within the easement right-of-way (a portion of your land that may be considered public). Any wood will be left for your use.
- Consumers Energy is also responsible for any cleanup that is following planned maintenance work.
Vine Management

Customers depend on us to deliver safe and reliable electricity. To do this, our expert Tree Management Team follows established forestry guidelines to ensure that trees and vegetation don't interrupt your service. We use qualified line-clearance contractors to safely clear trees and vegetation that could interfere with our power lines. We also have planned vegetation management, which is done all over the state on a schedule. When we are in your area, we will take a look at any vine growth to ensure safe and reliable service. Please note that any contact with an electric line by a person or an object can cause severe injury or death.
When vines handling vines, tree management will cut vine at the base of the pole, apply herbicide to stump and let the vines fall off on their own.
Click here to contact forestry about a vine that needs to be looked at.
Trees or Branches Around Building Connection Wires
Trees and branches that are on or near wires on a pole to building connections are the responsibility of the property owner.
Trees and branches that are on or near wires on pole to building connections (service drops) are the responsibility of the property owner. We recommend hiring a qualified tree company to address your concern. If there is a need for the power line to be temporarily removed from your home, please call us at 800-477-5050. The phone agent will work with you to create Temporary Disconnect and Reconnect orders to ensure that your tree contractor can safely to resolve your issue.
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Thank you for reporting your tree hazard. As a reminder, it may take up to 5 business days for us to contact you. You may now close this window.
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Since your hazard is not within our electric service territory, we are unable to complete your request. Please check who your electric service provider is as this may help you find the right service territory for reporting.
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The information you provided either doesn’t match an account or isn’t specific enough to identify an individual account. Please verify your information and try again or call us at 800-477-5050 (M-F, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Sat, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.) for assistance.
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Sorry, we are unable to process your request at this time. Please contact our Customer Service team at 1-800-477-5050 for assistance.
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Someone has already reported a tree issue at this location. Please call us at 800-477-5050 (M-F, 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.) for an update on this report.
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